Managing Energetic Sensitivity

Years ago, I remember asking my teacher how to stop someone from making me feel a certain way. At the time I was going through a divorce, and I was an emotional wreck and wanted to blame anyone but myself. 

What she said to me was interesting, and not what I wanted to hear at the time, but it was what I needed to hear.  She said, “We often talk about how people push our buttons, but we rarely think about who owns the buttons.”  Ouch!  She was implying that I needed to take ownership of my own feelings and emotions, and how I lost my energy in this situation.  The more that I thought about it the more I realized that the onus was on me.  I had to step in and take ownership of how I respond to things in the world.  Ugh, this meant more inner work!

As I did this inner work, I began to realize how this concept applies to more situations- everything, actually.  I began to notice the places where I would lose energy because I was being “triggered” or because I was allowing my thoughts to hijack my emotions.

I also began to notice that I was really sensitive to other’s emotions and energy.  I would walk into a room where there had been conflict and I would get hooked into that energy and had trouble shaking it off.  I could also walk into an elevator and feel the energy of a person who stepped off on the floor where I stepped in; almost like smelling their perfume.  Then one day as my daughters and I were riding in the car together, I noticed that I was craving chocolate ice cream – I dislike chocolate ice cream!  Then suddenly, my oldest daughter (who LOVES chocolate ice cream) exclaimed, “I really want some chocolate ice cream!”  (Insert a face palm emoji!)

As my awareness of how I was sensitive to the energy of those around me expanded, I began to go back in my life to see when this started.  I went back into my childhood, there was always a lot of yelling and anger in my home as I was growing up.  I noticed that I was actually sensitive from a very early age, and was just not aware of it, at least not consciously.  I remembered how I would get anxious, bite my nails, and often eat to help escape the pain and fear. 

Now noticing this in my adulthood and learning the lessons that my teacher has taught me I knew it was up to me to navigate energy and guard my own.  This past week I taught a course on how to use different practices that can help you do the same.  You can access the class here.

The greatest gift that I have found from doing this type of practice is that I no longer fall into victimhood when I get hooked into the energy around me.  I now see it as information that I can leverage to take care of myself. It’s a superpower, as I am able to connect with people at a deep level, and also set boundaries and protect myself as well.

Many of my clients feel a sense of relief when we talk about this subject. They often tell me that they have thought that there is something wrong with them for a long time.   It is interesting to me that so many people have this energetic sensitivity and feel like it is taboo or something we have to hide.  I am here to tell you that this is really quite common and if you share this superpower, you are quite normal, just sensitive to energy.  There are also ways to manage this, and the class that I taught only discusses a few of the ways.  If you find you need help with this, please feel free to schedule a session with me and we can navigate this deeper.  Cheers to you and your superpower!!!

Adelee Mirelez